24/7 Response
For Your Home or Business Disaster Restoration

Job completed for K. Samuel

Completion date: May 29, 2024

Location: Houston, TX

Why did the customer contact us?

During the storm in May 2024, a tree fell on the house, causing significant damage to the roof. As a result, the interior of the home was exposed to continuous rainfall, leading to extensive water damage.

Solutions provided:

The technicians removed the roof and exterior walls of the second floor, along with the insulation from the walls and ceiling. Additionally, they removed the carpet from the hall and stairs and demolished the landing. An antimicrobial was applied upon completion of the demolition, and drying equipment was installed to prevent further damage to the home.

Team members on this project:

Christine Escobedo, David Hendrix, Brittany Chavira, Omar Katich

Photos & Videos:

Initial Inspection
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Initial Inspection
Initial Inspection
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Initial Inspection
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Carpet Removal
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Carpet Removal
Demo Clean Up
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Demo Clean Up
Drying Equipment
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Drying Equipment